Thursday, May 19, 2011

up to my elbows in honey

Tomorrow is our quarterly get together for ladies in our small group that have still have not accepted Christ as Savior or have just recently been saved. Four times a year we celebrate birthdays for the ladies in this group and showcase a particular culture and that culture's cuisine. In the past we've had Turkish, Polish, American, Japanese and tomorrow we will be learning about Jewish culture and sampling some Israeli cuisine.
So what does an Irish-American Missionary to Ukraine have to do with Jewish cooking? Obviously not much, expect that the woman who was supposed to be making the dessert had "had something come up" so for the last few hours I have been boiling things that resemble pretzles in honey syrup.
I hope I've done this right, the recipe was very vauge with instructions like, add flour until you obtain the right consistency. Considering that I've never tasted or seen these babies, it's hard to know what the right texture is.   However, after dunking cookie  #112, I'm finally done and now I'm discovering honey in the most unusual places, like behind my ear and below my knee. Despite a rather indepth cleaning I feel my kitchen will probably be sticky for days.
I trust it's worth it. We usually have about 40 ladies attend these thematic birthday parties. They are encouraged to invite their friends and it's a great way to meet unchurched gals that might be interested in attending a Bible study. I don't know what the program will be. Last time it was Japanese themed and we tried out  sumo wrestling. Other than spinning a dredel, I'm afraid I don't know many Jewish games. So it should be fun and informative. I hope my kosher cookies are edible.


  1. Oh my gosh-- is that a joke about the sumo wrestling? Tooooooo funny. Here's hoping your cookies are delicious...

  2. Sumo wrestling- we put large inflated balloons under oversized t-shirts and wrestled, whoever got their balloon popped first lost. The cookies were a hit.
