Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas plans

Several years ago the ladies in our church started an annual Women's Christmas party. To call it party really isn't doing it justice. It more like an event. In our small town of Irpin, it's THE EVENT of the season. Of course it started out small, but in the last two years we have had around 200 ladies in attendance. This is our biggest ladies evangelical event of the year. The rented auditorium will be decorated with candles and flowers that would make Martha Stewart envious. There will be a presentation of new recipes for the holiday table. Games, door prizes, a craft, siniging of carols and a message by our pastor. This year the theme of the event is     "Emmanuel-When God came near"
Our ladies committee is already in frantic prepartaion, there are decorations to decide upon, crafts to be cutout,  not to mention, 200 servings of seasame chicken and pineapple and pomegranate salad to be prepared. Besides that we can sometimes spend 2 hours, trying to decide on which invitation to use, the light pink or the mauve? In our attempt to make the night a success, it is sometimes easy to lose sight of what is really important.
In both the Ukrainian and Russian language the name for Christmas literally means "The Birth". Unfortunately, if you were to ask the average person passing down the street, they couldn't tell you the birth of whom. More than likely you would get secular answers like, "the birth of the New Year" or "the birth of winter, snow, etc". And out of the few that do know, even less know Him personally".
So our goal in all these decorations, and appetizers and prizes is to introduce the ladies of community to Jesus Christ, we hope that they will get more than just a good time out of the evening. We hope we won't lose our focus along the way. (By the way, we picked the peonie pink and silver inviations)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that sounds so fun! There's nothing like throwing a huge party. :) And how amazing that so many women in your community can come together and hear about the truth of Advent.
