The pinnacle of these last two years of amazing overwhelming women's ministery happened on June 27, when five women followed the Lord in baptism. I'm always inspired when I witness adults, wading into waist high water and in a humble akwardness bend their knees backwards to emerse themsleves in testimony of their love for their Savior. When you spent hours on the prayer battlefield, wrestling for their souls, it make the moment extra special. I couldn't help but cry at our baptism services. Our church baptized 24 people this summer, five of them were ladies from our small groups, two of them were husbands we had been so desperately praying. And in the moments you soul seems to be bursting with so much joy, that you think if the Lord adds just one more drop of blessing you will burst. But there is something even more special.
Last night was local church's montly communion service. I had the previlige of taking communion with these beautifully baptized saints. And in the somber rememberance of our Lord's suffering, joy buzzed underneath. After the bread and the first prayer, one of my babies in Christ leaned over and whispered, every prayer is different now. We're girls and we wanted to somehow giggle in that joy that we were swimming in, but for fear of being misunderstood by some neighboring saints, we kept straight faces. There was joy, a sheer joy in taking of the bread and wine. Taking communion with new believers seems to put in all into perspective. The sacrifice of Christ takes on a brighter meaning. And for me, saved and baptized in childhood, it gives me the chance to see His suffering and victory in a whole new light.
Last night was local church's montly communion service. I had the previlige of taking communion with these beautifully baptized saints. And in the somber rememberance of our Lord's suffering, joy buzzed underneath. After the bread and the first prayer, one of my babies in Christ leaned over and whispered, every prayer is different now. We're girls and we wanted to somehow giggle in that joy that we were swimming in, but for fear of being misunderstood by some neighboring saints, we kept straight faces. There was joy, a sheer joy in taking of the bread and wine. Taking communion with new believers seems to put in all into perspective. The sacrifice of Christ takes on a brighter meaning. And for me, saved and baptized in childhood, it gives me the chance to see His suffering and victory in a whole new light.
This is so great to read. Just last weekend our church had baptisms out in this beautiful state park and it just amazes me to think about the unity of the entire body of Christ spread all across the world and across the centuries.